its seal will be of musk.And forthatlet the aspirers aspire(i.e., every righteous soul make an effort)
Its seal (will be of) musk. And for that let aspire the aspirers.
pouring forth with a fragrance of musk. To that [wine of paradise], then, let all such aspire as [are willing to] aspire to things of high account
Whose seal is musk - for this let (all) those strive who strive for bliss
The seal thereof will be Musk: And for this let those aspire, who have aspirations
whose last sip will smell like musk. So let whoever aspires to this strive ˹diligently˺.
leaving a great taste in the mouth. Let people with aspirations, aspire to that.
its seal will be of muskfor this let the aspirants aspir
The sealing of it is (with) musk; and for that let the aspirers aspire
Its seal will have the lingering smell of musk. So for that, then, the ones who strive, strive.
whose seal will be musk. For that let rivals compete!
the seal of that wine will be smell of musk. Those who want to strive, let them strive.
whose seal is musk—so for that let the strivers strive
Its seal will be musk. For this, let the competitors compete.
Whose seal is musk—this is what competitors should compete for
Khitam (‘seal’ or ‘sealing material’ or ‘sealing process’ applied) unto it (contains) musk. Then (for this) must aspire the aspirants
and the seal will be of musk. Those who wish to excel above others, let them endeavor to excel in this
Whose sealing is musk; for this then let the competitors compete
which have the fragrance of musk. This is the kind of place for which one should really aspire
the seal of which will be of musk.___It is this (bliss) in aspiring for which the competitors should race each other
The seal of it is musk. For all this, then, let every aspirant aspire
Musk shall be its seal! Those wishing to excel, should excel at this
The seal will be musk: And for this let them desire, those who have true desires
The last of it is musk. So for this let the competitors compete
Its seal is musk, so in that let those who are in competition compete.
its seal [perfumed with] a fragrant herb––let those who strive, strive for this––
The seal thereof will be of musk and to this end let the aspirers aspire
With a sealing of musk, which those who aspire for the best should desire, -
whose seal is musk — let people with aspiration aspire to that! —
Its seal is a fragrance of musk. And to that (blessing of Paradise), then, let all those who aspire (to things of high value) aspire as if in a race (with each other)
whose seal is musk —for such let the viers vie—
The sealing of it is with musk; and for that let the aspirers aspire
Its seal is musk. And the contenders should compete for that (delight).
The seal of it will be musk, and for this let those aspire who have aspirations
musk its aftertaste – let the competitors compete for that –
whose seal is musk – so let all aspirants aspire after that
Itsseal will be of musk, so in that let those who are in competition compete.
Sealed with [fragrance of] musk. And for this let the aspirants aspire
The seal is on Musk, and for this let the aspirers aspire.
Its spice is like musk. This is what the competitors should compete for
its seal is musk, for this let the competitors compete
The sealing of it is (with) musk. And for that let the aspirers aspire
Its end/conclusion (is) musk/fragrance, and in (for) that so the competitors/rivals should compete/rival
…. smells like musk. If you have any aspiration compete for it
Its seal is upon musk; and for this should those who crave be eager
The sealing of it will be with musk - for this let the aspirants aspire
Its seal will be musk. And (it is this beverage which) all aspirants should hastily strive and compete to acquire. (Some seek the drink of bliss whilst others long for the drink of nearness, and still others yearn for the drink of countenance—all will be served according to their respective tastes)
(Even) the sealing and dregs of which will have flavour of musk, so to this (noble end) let (all) the aspirants aspire
The last thereof (that wine) will be the smell of musk, and for this let (all) those strive who want to strive (i.e. hasten earnestly to the obedience of Allah)
whose seal is musk -- so after that let the strivers strive -
the seal whereof shall be musk: And to this let those aspire, who aspire to happiness
whose seal is musk; for that then let the aspirants aspire!
The seal of musk. For this let those pant who pant for bliss
securely sealed, whose very dregs are musk: for this let all contenders emulously strive
Its seal is from Musk and in that let those who vie, vie.
Whose seal emanates from it the scent of musk. So let whoever is eager to taste this strive diligently.
Its seal is musk, and that is what all who compete should strive for.
The seal will be of musk. For this, may those with aspirations aspire.
whose end is musk—and this is what competitors should compete for.
whose seal will be musk. For that let rivals compete!
Whose sealing is musk and in that let the competitors should compete for.
with a seal of musk, for this let the strivers emulously strive.
The last of it is musk... So let those who compete, compete for this!
whose seal is musk; let those who strive for great achievements strive for this
Whose seal is musk, and for that let (all) those strive who strive (fo Bliss
Drinks that end with a musky flavour, delicious and righting; an inspiring goal for which may compete those whose ambition is the heavenly bliss
The seal of which is of musk. So let those who wish to put in conscious effort, put in a conscious effort for that.
Its seal is musk. And for that then let the aspirers aspire.
The seal thereof will be Musk: And for this let those aspire, who have aspirations
Its seal (will be of) musk. And for that let aspire the aspirers
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